1 of 19 | Lower Blepharoplasty (Under Eye Bags/Wrinkles) Gallery
Procedure Performed by Dr. Michael A. Burnstine
A 65-year-old female ptosis repair, ectropion repair, upper and lower blepharoplasty
1 of 19 | Lower Blepharoplasty (Under Eye Bags/Wrinkles) Gallery
Procedure Performed by Dr. Michael A. Burnstine
A 65-year-old female ptosis repair, ectropion repair, upper and lower blepharoplasty
2 of 19 | Lower Blepharoplasty (Under Eye Bags/Wrinkles) Gallery
Procedure Performed by Dr. Michael A. Burnstine
62 year old female upper and lower blepharoplasty with fat repositioning
3 of 19 | Lower Blepharoplasty (Under Eye Bags/Wrinkles) Gallery
4 of 19 | Lower Blepharoplasty (Under Eye Bags/Wrinkles) Gallery
5 of 19 | Lower Blepharoplasty (Under Eye Bags/Wrinkles) Gallery
6 of 19 | Lower Blepharoplasty (Under Eye Bags/Wrinkles) Gallery
7 of 19 | Lower Blepharoplasty (Under Eye Bags/Wrinkles) Gallery
8 of 19 | Lower Blepharoplasty (Under Eye Bags/Wrinkles) Gallery
9 of 19 | Lower Blepharoplasty (Under Eye Bags/Wrinkles) Gallery
10 of 19 | Lower Blepharoplasty (Under Eye Bags/Wrinkles) Gallery
11 of 19 | Lower Blepharoplasty (Under Eye Bags/Wrinkles) Gallery
12 of 19 | Lower Blepharoplasty (Under Eye Bags/Wrinkles) Gallery
Procedure Performed by Dr. David B. Samimi
This patient underwent the Natural Blink Blepharoplasty™ on her upper and lower eyelids for a natural appearing cosmetic enhancement.
13 of 19 | Lower Blepharoplasty (Under Eye Bags/Wrinkles) Gallery
14 of 19 | Lower Blepharoplasty (Under Eye Bags/Wrinkles) Gallery
Procedure Performed by Dr. David B. Samimi
In addition to lower eyelid blepharoplasty, this patient also benefited from a bilateral upper eyelid skin blepharoplasty, brow lift and selective left upper eyelid 1mm minimally invasive internal ptosis repair to achieve better postoperative symmetry.
15 of 19 | Lower Blepharoplasty (Under Eye Bags/Wrinkles) Gallery
16 of 19 | Lower Blepharoplasty (Under Eye Bags/Wrinkles) Gallery
17 of 19 | Lower Blepharoplasty (Under Eye Bags/Wrinkles) Gallery
Procedure Performed by Dr. Michael A. Burnstine
62-year-old male upper and lower blepharoplasty, temporal brow lift and lower eyelid/ nasal fat repositioning
18 of 19 | Lower Blepharoplasty (Under Eye Bags/Wrinkles) Gallery
19 of 19 | Lower Blepharoplasty (Under Eye Bags/Wrinkles) Gallery
Procedure Performed by Dr. David B. Samimi
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